Storytelling Workshops
This is a fun and sociable workshop with serious aims.
Telling stories is one of mankind'smost ancient skills, our ancestors told stories and many traditions have been passed down through the skills of good storytellers. Storytelling skills are innate in us all, we have to develop the confidence and knowledge of what works for us as story tellers and what works for our audiences - be they individual children, small groups or large numbers of 150+ children and adults.
In early years,storytelling can be seen as forming part of that 'rich language environment' that supports children's 'confidence and skills in expressing themselves' (EYFS 2017), which when used by knowledgeable practitioners can provide the basis to extend children's use of language and support them in using language 'in a range of situations' (EYFS 2017).
Storytelling develops vocabulary and comprehension of words as well as encouraging children to sequence and remember the key points of the story. Storytelling helps children to develop their listening skills - essential for their future learning and building of relationships. It is highly probable that the upcoming new Early Years Foundation Stage Framework will have due regard for these skills and in practitioner confidence and knowledge of how to support children's language development through them.
Repetition in stories helps children to develop knowledge of sentence structure and connecting words and ideas together in ways that 'make sense' - by joining in repeated rhymes within a story children can practice those sentence structures in non threatening and enjoyable ways. Children in their earlier years and earliest stage of speech development gradually move on from repeating single words within a refrain to developing the rhythm of a sentence, to then being able to join in with the whole rhyme from memory, that skill is then transferred into their everyday lives. As children grow older their experience of storytelling can also support them in their creative writing and in problem solving.
Jackanory's storytelling training aims to support practitioners in becoming confident story tellers. The workshop explores a variety of ideas and approaches that can be used by them to bring stories to life and catch a child's imagination, whilst also raising their own awareness of the skills that the children are developing throughout each story telling time.